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Healthy Tips for 2023

Now is a great time to start forming new habits and get your skincare regime back on track or even start a new one! Say goodbye to your skin concerns and form healthy habits to see you right

through Christmas and the new year and into that new you! Here are our top healthy habits to kickstart 2024!

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Prioritise YOU!

Who is looking after you? You are the most important person and should prioritise your self-care.  This doesn't have to be a life changing event and can be as little as taking 5 minutes every day to do something that is for you alone and it doesn't mean you're selfish either, it's just necessary sometimes. For most of us, our main focus is on other people and sometimes we forget that we are important too!  Spend a little time and money on yourself .... stress less about other people..... prioritise YOUR self-care and remember a healthier mind and body, means a healthier, happier  you all round!


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Don't Pick, Exfoliate!

Picking spots and blemishes can lead to all sorts of complications, including scarring and re-infection. For best results, use a good exfoliator or book in for micro-needling or an electrical facial (CACI/Environ/Crystal Clear) and get some professional help.

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Commit to good Skincare

Use a good skin cleanser and one that’s tailored to your skin.  A good (free) skin consultation will let you know what products are right for you, but cleanse (never with facial wipes), tone and moisturise twice a day.  The products on your skin will help reduce the signs of ageing, prevent breakouts and keep that healthy glow we all strive for. The key to having fresh, younger looking skin is to commit to a good skincare regime and stick to it!

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Drink more water and eat a colourful diet

These are easy habits to get in to. We should aim to drink 2-3 litres each day and eat as healthily as we can.  You will see improvements to your skin almost immediately.  Invest in a reusable water bottle and focus on fresh fruit and vegetables and give those processed foods a wide birth.... you'll feel all the better for it!


Exercise daily/Avoid sun damage

Make time for exercise and vary your routine as it’s easy to get bored.  Try new classes with a friend or join a nearby gym.  Exercise not only boosts circulation but has a massive affect on your well-being too.  And use SPF every day, even if it’s overcast or raining.  As we all know, sun exposure can speed up the signs of ageing and if we can avoid that, what a bonus!


Get enough sleep

If you can, aim for 7-8 hours every night. We know it’s easy to say but the link between good sleep and your skin condition is vital.  Our cells regenerate during deep sleep ....... they don't call it 'beauty sleep' for nothing!

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